Welcome to pekopeko

This blog is a look at the journey of going from zero to fluent in Japanese, not in the shortest time possible (like most blogs) but in the right way. Most Japanese learning resources are aimed at getting you to “Pass the JLPT N1 in 6 months”. That ain’t what this is about. The goal of pekopeko is to help you feed your Japanese hunger. To inspire you to want to gain fluency and mastery over this beautiful elegant language and keep it for life!

pekopeko is in private beta right now, but check out the views of people already using it!

Using pekopeko is like being in Japan! It helps me experience Japanese culture, speak with real Japanese speakers and to fall in love with Japanese food and culture!

Johnathan Tidbit

…and from others:

This (pekopeko) is a great learning resource! You can see that the author has clearly been through all the steps and methods and has a passion for learning Japanese which rubs off on you every time you use pekopeko!

Max Groth

To start using pekopeko, sign up for your free account, you’ll be notified when your beta invite code has been aproved then log into your dashboard.